Monday, January 28, 2013

Jenever, hip hop & tattoos

I would like to thank first and foremost Malvin Wix and the complete Ludwig team, the bar suited perfect as an intimite place to celebrate the anniversary. DJ Troubled Rebel (Hotmamahot) and Sonno (Jungle by Night) started the evening with some vinyl hip hop. Followed by Willy Party and Dijkie and their catchy hits. After a few bottles of champagne we handed over the mic to MC Dlipps, his energy made the crowd warm for the next performances. Starting with Dret & Krulle who performed new tracks, the boys supported the next act. Zwart Licht made the people jump, after a few minutes so many glasses were broken, the bar had to switch to plastic cups. This energetic line up had to be followed up by a DJ who can make the girls go dance; Fanny West.
I decided the night should end big, so I asked Bobby 6 Killers & Karimooo 
(50 Hurtz/Vage Gasten) to finish with some dubstep. Thanks everybody that took the time to dress up, drink and dance.
Special love to Bobbie and Marlis for their organising skills.

More photo's see the album of the anniversary party.

Photography by Raymond van Mil